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We Treat the Problem,
Not the Symptom

Are You Searching For A More Effective & Long Lasting Way To Manage Your Health Naturally?

Our strategy is to provide you with the most comprehensive & effective program possible by integrating advanced holistic methods
with conventional care. This provides you with the highest chances of reaching your health goals.

 Our Bodies Utilize A Complex Information System To Work

Just like your computer, our body should come with all the basic information and programs needed for proper function and health
of your body. We have little to no control over these systems as they do not need our conscious input. And, just like your computer,
they are both designed to input information for the life of the system, store and organize that information and then utilize that
information in all of its future functions.

 How The Body’s Information System Becomes Unhealthy or Corrupted

As with your computer, there are many reasons that your system can be corrupted, affecting any or all of this information and create dysfunction within your body. We all know this as we have all heard of the problems caused by:

  • Stress
  • Poor dietary choices
  • Mental or Physical Trauma
  • Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
  • Neurotoxins in food additives
  • Carcinogens in skincare products
  • Continuous chemical exposure everywhere  

 We’ve all had a computer where the information was so messed up that we threw it away and bought a new one. Likewise, we have
all seen a person with significant brain injury or emotional trauma that could no longer remember how to walk, or talk, or even know
who they are. We have also seen people with significant dementia where their body cannot even remember how to keep itself alive.

So why do we only recognize these major issues with some health conditions when its actually present with almost all health issues? What about the person whose;

  • digestive system is unable to digest certain foods
  • immune system has gone haywire and is fighting itself
  • system is unable to fight against an invading disease
  • body is unable to heal quickly without scarring and adhesions

 When a person experiences mild physical and emotional trauma repeatedly, which is common, the damage adds up in the body's systems and programs. Without the right information, the body can't function normally. It's not always physical injury; usually,
it's damage to the information that causes illness and death. Sometimes there's physical damage too, especially with trauma, but often it's secondary to the information damage.

This information damage also usually stops the body from healing completely. You might wonder how information gets damaged in
our body. It's similar to how information on a computer gets damaged. Even though the information in our body is stored in a more advanced way, it's still stored digitally, making it vulnerable to corruption.

 How The Body Heals Itself

The technology to fix your computer is rather simple, but the technology to fix your brain or the informational systems of the body
which are much more extensive than just our brain, does not exist.

 The only technology sophisticated enough to fix your brain is your brain itself. We just need to stimulate this amazing organ of correction. There are hundreds of procedures that attempt to accomplish this. If the procedure is called “rehabilitation” or “retraining”, they are trying to restore, replace or rewrite damaged memory.

 Body Memory Reset (BMR) Therapy is an information delivery and management system for the body, designed to clear corrupted, and/or lost information and organize existing information in order to improve body function. It is a true form of Natural Energy Medicine. We recommend that a quality diet, moderate exercise, and a real food nutritional program be used by everyone for their overall health. Nutrition is a very vital part of healing, so feed the body well and get some basic exercise to make any health program successful.

The tools we use to reset your brain and your entire system are Cereset, our brain reset program and Biolight Low Level Laser
Therapy (LLLT). These paired with Medical Massage and reset all of the systems of your body. 

 We use Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to help you neutralize neurological stress, boost energy levels, and promote healing. 

 You Experience Relief: By neutralizing neurological stress LLLT empowers your body with more energy to tackle life’s challenges.  Whether you are recovering from a medical condition, aiming to enhance productivity, or seeking to revitalize your enjoyment of life, laser therapy offers a solution. At HOPE Wellness Institute we trust our Biolight Systems renowned for its information carrying,
zero heat production, and safety for all ages, to help you be the best you can be.

We may use the laser on Acupuncture Points or your area of specific injury or problem or other areas of the body known to best
provide healing. There is No Discomfort.  And NO NEEDLES.

Stimulating your body the our Biolight system activates the body’s energetic system, stimulates and “wakes up” cells that have
forgotten how to do their job, promotes relief, balance, and healing. Our noninvasive and painless approach allows your body to detoxify, reset and create it’s own healing process.

We provide Personalized Treatment Plans: As with all our services at HOPE Wellness Institute we create a customized care plan for you.  We address your specific concerns, and needs.  Sessions may be as short 15 minutes or could be as long as 90 minutes. Depending on your goal 4-16 visits are recommended per treatment plan.  Additionally, we may suggest personalized bioenergetic sprays and supplements to augment your results.   


"I had a great experience working with the standard medical world when I had a life-threatening event. They diagnosed and
I responded quickly to the standard treatment. Further they identified a rare underlying cause and performed surgery to patch that. While the condition is rare, most (probably the vast majority) people with this seem to have gotten here one way. However, that
surgery identified that I was unique and my causation path was not the common path. From that point, the medical world has been of little to no help. I am a round peg in a square world. 

Venice and her team at Hope Wellness use multiple disciplines they find effective in helping people solve problems. In my case, they looked beyond the walls of the official "medical" world and did that from multiple perspectives. They identified tools they thought might help. Some have more/quicker than others. We have found round holes where I was told they didn't exist. Mostly, it is the
combination of tools including various kinds of physical and mental exercises, understanding body chemistry including nutritional
needs to heal/ rebuild (in my case specific parts of the brain) and activities that interplay. Round holes appear. I still have a way to go. 
Others choose Hope Wellness because of the exceptional quality of their services that fit inside the box. I choose Hope because
I don't fit in a box and needed a team that could see and treat outside it. Thank You!!!!"
Bill S. Fair Oaks, CA

Please see Medical Disclaimer

At HOPE Wellness Institute, we prioritize a patient-before-profit approach, ensuring that your needs and well-being are always at the forefront of everything we do. Our services are rooted in holistic healthcare and complementary and alternative medicine, providing a comprehensive approach to healing and wellness.

It's important to note that while we are passionate about supporting your journey to wellness, we are not doctors or medical providers. Therefore, we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe medications. Instead, our focus is on helping you relieve the symptoms of your condition and restore your body's natural healing abilities. Before embarking on any of our recommended therapies or treatments, we strongly advise consulting with a physician or other medical and mental health provider. Your health and safety are paramount, and it's essential to seek professional guidance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

We want to emphasize that the information provided through HOPE Wellness Institute is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It's crucial to always seek the guidance of your own medical and mental health providers regarding any questions or concerns you may have about your health.

Additionally, we do not claim to cure any conditions or provide medical, psychological, or religious advice. Our role is to support and assist you in reaching your wellness goals, but ultimately, your success depends on your own effort, motivation, and commitment to your journey.

We understand that each individual's path to wellness is unique, and results may vary depending on various factors. While we cannot guarantee specific outcomes, we are here to provide compassionate support and guidance every step of the way. Thank you for considering HOPE Wellness Institute as your partner in your journey to optimal health and wellness. We look forward to supporting you on your path to a healthier, happier life.