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The Aloe Vera Miracle
By The HWI
Aloe Vera is more than just a sunburn aid. This amazing plant helps with aches and pain to serious life threatening diseases. A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions:

Are You Drinking Enough Water?
By Sarah Costa, CMT
Water – a subject near and dear to a massage therapist’s heart. How many times have you heard your massage therapist to tell you to drink lots of water after a massage?

Arthritis: Massage and Low Light Laser Therapy
By: Sarah Mertyris, CMT; & Lisa Sullivan, CMT
As many as 1 in 5 Americans live with arthritis, a joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. Depending on the severity of the condition and the location of the arthritis...

Bodywork: Myofascial Release
By Sarah Costa, CMT
One of the many massage techniques used at the HOPE Wellness Institute is called myofascial release. Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy intended to treat dysfunction in the fascia and muscle layers of the body.

Bodywork: Neuromuscular Massage Therapy
By Sarah Mertyris, CMT
One of the most utilized massage modalities at HOPE Wellness Institute is Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT). Our owner and founder, Venice Sullivan, has been a Certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist for over 20 years.

Bodywork: Sports Massage
By Mark Richards, CMT
What exactly is Sports Massage? Many people believe that Sports Massage is only for trained, professional athletes. Not so. Anyone who is physically active can benefit from Sports Massage.

Bodywork: Trigger Point Therapy, Part 1 (The Basics)
By Venice Sullivan, Ph.D., NCMT
What exactly is a trigger point? Trigger points are areas of low neurological activity, that when stimulated or stressed, transform into an area of high neurological activity with referred sensation to other parts of the body. So what exactly does that mean?

Bodywork: Trigger Point Therapy, Part 2 (The Treatment)
By Sarah Costa, CMT
Last time, we discussed exactly what a trigger point was. To summarize, trigger points are areas of low neurological activity, that when stimulated or stressed, transform into an area of high neurological activity...

Bodywork: Trigger Point Therapy, Part 3 (Self-Care)
By HOPE Wellness Institute
One of the most important jobs of a massage therapist is client education. We are here to support you as you improve the quality of your life. Therefore, you will frequently see articles in our newsletters like this one...